Thursday, January 6, 2011

A light in the darkness.

Well, we are off break now and back in action! (que superhero theme music) Monday night was a particularly awesome night. Not only did we finally get to catch up with some of the girls there, but Stephanie and Robert, along with one of the leaders from YWAM Denver who were staying with us, got to play a little gig at one of the bars. And by gig, I mean, music. And by music, I mean worship. Say what? WORSHIP music in a BAR?? Oh yeah. A while ago, a group staying at SHE asked Mark (the owner of SHE) if he could maybe find them a bar to play worship at. Well, Mark found one. The owner said he'd give them one shot-if they did good, they could come back. If not, he'd kick them off. Long story short, he loved them and even asked them back again. He even suggested them to another bar owner, who's the one we played for on Monday. God has totally had his hand on the situation. It's crazy. There's just something so powerful about music, talking about and praising Jesus, being played in the midst of such darkness. Then to top it off, all the electricity went out in the bars on the other side of the street. Aka-everyone from that side had to come over to our side. Some people had actually prayed for that earlier in the evening. God definitely answered that prayer. It was amazing.

     One thing we do ask you all to be praying for is Stephanie. She has been feeling a bit sick the last few days and finally went to the doctors today. They gave her some medicine and hopefully she'll start feeling better soon. But please keep her in your prayers! 

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